Gavin Smart Wins Fine Art Photography Award - Behind The Scenes

(c) Gavin Smart
Congratulations go to Edinburgh College student Gavin Smart. Gavin has won 1st place in the Fine Art Photography Awards 2018 for his series of constructed images entitled "Through the Mouse Hole".
The winning images can be seen at the Fine Art photography Awards
"Through the Mouse Hole is a fantasy story inspired by Tom & Jerry and The Borrowers. The narrative revolves around a young girl who finds herself in the home of a small mouse, living behind the skirting board in the family home.The project is shot in the style of a vintage cartoon or Super8 projection, and uses hand built scenes and props combined with composite studio portraiture.Exploring themes of friendship and loneliness through a character who finds safety and security in the world of her imagination; someone who struggles to find their place in the real world".
Gavin also won Photography Student of the Year 2017, awarded by the British Institute of Professional Photography.
He has been working on a major new series which investigates environmental issues. Looking through the rough edits last week this project is going to be even more successful. Watch this space.
To view more of his recent work have a look at

(c) Gavin Smart
Looking behind the scenes and production of this work.
The build.

The Model.

The props.