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Blazej Marczak - The Grey City

BA Alumni Blazej Marczak will be exhibiting "The Grey City" project as part of Ambit, a new partnership between Street Level Photoworks and Stills, Scotland's public venues dedicated to photography.

"Each venue will include 5 artists who take a diverse range of approaches to photographic image making. Work by Tine Bek, Sylwia Kowalczyk, Donnie MacLean, Blazej Marczak and Margaret Mitchell will be shown at Street Level.

The exhibition at Stills includes work by Eden Hawkins, Lorna Macintyre, Norman McBeath, Kristian Smith and Karen L Vaughan".

Blazej studied in Edinburgh but soon moved to Aberdeen where he produced The Grey City. He has recently moved to Canada where he continues to investigate his surroundings. The Grey City was published by The Velvet Cell as part of their Chronicles series.

Ambit: Photographies from Scotland will run from 22nd April - 18th June

for more details visit Street Level Photoworks

Edinburgh College Photography Department - Sighthill Campus - Bankhead Avenue - Edinburgh

Photography College Courses Scotland

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